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initial activity中文是什么意思

用"initial activity"造句"initial activity"怎么读"initial activity" in a sentence


  • 初活性
  • 初始活性


  • Links to other sectors will be established in stages , after the other sectors also accomplish their initial activities
  • Move to a new country or participate in the initial activities , learn more about , observe , understand or will not do , others may follow suit
  • During the photocatalytic - oxidation of h2s , tio2 was inactive because of the resultant of s . after tio2 was inactive , tio2 could get back to some 80 % of the initial activity by regeneration
    Tio _ 2在反应过程中,由于s ~ 0的生成逐渐失活,失活后通过再生可恢复到初活性的约80 。
  • The ccfip has been implemented since 1997 with the initial activities being primarily focused on the development of the ministry of agriculture feed industry center mafic at china agriculture university in beijing
  • The inactivation rate depends directly on exposure temperature ( 37 , 39 ) , and it is important to investigate a method of protein stabilization and to estimate the shelf - life of the strip , i . e . , the duration for maintaining 90 % of the initial activity
  • After hrp deposition , majority of its initial activity was lost ; however , the left part which still remains the activity has the high resistance to denaturation environments like high temperature , long incubation time and organic solvent exposure
  • The initial activity of pt / tio2 was higher than that of tio2 because it restrained the recombination of electron and hole with supported pt , however the regenerated ability of the pt / tio2 was lower than that of tio2 . after the regeneration , the activity could come back to some 60 % of the original activity and the reaction activity declined rapidly . the reason might be that after regeneration on the surface of pt / tio2 the incomplete oxidation of h2s to produce s was enhanced
    Pt tio _ 2催化剂的初活性比单一的tio _ 2催化剂的初活性高,这是因为担载的贵金属抑制了电子与空穴的复合,但其再生性能比tio _ 2差,再生后活性只能恢复到初活性的约60 ,且反应活性迅速降低,这可能由于在再生后的pt tio _ 2表面上, h _ 2s通过不完全氧化生成s ~ 0的反应增强所致。
  • There are three types of residents activities in road space . the essential activity is mainly about transportation . and the other residents activities are included by the initial activity and the social activity . the living function of road space in residential quarter is just based on these three activities
    我们从居住小区道路空间可居性入手,所谓可居,就是要求道路空间能够引发居民的活动和交往,而居民在道路上的活动分为三种? ?必要性活动、自发性活动和社会性活动,其中必要性活动主要表现为交通功能,自发性活动和社会性活动则涵盖了居民所有的交往与活动。
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